Shelter Pet Finder

Frenchie Social promotes adopting, fostering, and even sponsoring. We stand behind ethical breeders that breed Frenchies humanely; however, let us also help these shelters that have dogs in need. It is the least us breeders can do! Frenchie Social would like to see an increase in assistance with rescues from breeders in the future. We're here to help!

How Can You Help?

1. Most breeders already have platforms. Use your platform! Imagine if every breeder made a post encouraging adoptions at shelters; we can really help to make a difference. Refer people to Petfinder or show them this list of dogs that are readily available whether it be for adopting, fostering, or sponsoring. It doesn't cost anything to create a post on social media to raise awareness! Even as a sponsor; donating $10 and then using your platform to encourage others to donate will make a difference.

2. Frenchie Social is looking to collaborate further with rescues in the future! Tons of rescues have been taking in more French Bulldogs, American Bully's, and English Bulldogs than ever before. The increase is coming from backyard breeders reproducing with dogs that aren't genetically optimal; which means they probably shouldn't have bred that dog and instead they should've gotten it fixed. Also, a responsible breeder should have in their contracts that they'd rather take the animal back than it end up in a shelter. Only genetically optimal dogs should be bred, and it is something that some breeders will overlook for the sake of money. So, in the future we would like to collaborate with rescues to show what the outcome is for these type of dogs that get thrown away by backyard breeders. Hopefully showing the amount of effort that these rescues go through to care for the animals can help spark a change!